$196,319/$750,000 Raised
* 由於Paypal 會收取 2~3% 手續費, 建議大額捐款用支票或 Online bill pay。
* 感恩您的善心善款,當您完成捐款步驟,請勿忘發願回向,將您的善業增長無盡。
A. 請設立您的線上銀行付款專戶
B. 捐款者和受款單位均無需付手續費;您的銀行將依照您的指示寄支票至 北美福智基金會
C. 請協助我們確保捐款收據寄發順利:
1. 如果您的捐款支票上沒有顯示您的名字與地址,請您務必寄給我們以下相關資訊,
如: 捐款日期、捐款額度、支票號碼、支票備註、付款銀行。
2. 如果是屬於多次性捐款,也請務必寄發電子郵件通知給我們。
* 北美福智基金會(即大覺蓮社)不僅是501(c)(3) 非營利組織,也是509(a)寺院組織
Thank you for your donation. Please see the following steps for setting up:
A. Go to your online banking, Bill pay section and set up
B. There is no service charge for Donor or Donee for this type of transaction.
The bank or financial institution will mail the check directly to us per your instruction.
C. To help us serve you better with proper receipt,
1.If your name and address do not show on the check, please email us the information along with the donation date, amount, check number, designation and the issuing bank
2.If it is multiple payments, please advise us by email.
D. Should you have any question regarding the donation, please contact our
Finance Department by telephone 909-595-6545 or by email
* Great Enlightenment Lotus Society, Inc. AKA Bliss & Wisdom Foundation of North America,
Los Angeles Chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and also a 509(a) Church organization.